tokyo running days

A marathoner / newbie triathlete's training blog.

Monday, September 25

Terry Fox Run.

Thanks to the swim and massage I had in Saturday, I became able to run Terry Fox Run 10k on Sunday. It wasn't really a race since we didn't even get a number, but it's a good opportunity to compete with other runners anyway. My target was 42:30 and I managed to finish with 42:24. Barely, but I'm happy. I think I was the 1st woman, but no prize. It was really a "run and walk", not a race at all so they don't care who was faster than who. A bit dissapointing... After the race I jogged another lap with Chika and Rie, course marshals were still cheering at us.

After the race we headed to Renald's place and had a fun afternoon with Pizza and lots of beer!

◎Weekly trainig log (18-24 Sep)
Mon: 8.9k 10x200m + jog
Tue: 8.5k easy jog
Wed: 8.5k easy jog in the morning, Yasso 800 at the track and jog 19k
Thu: 1h fartlek (easy)
Fri: 7.3k eeeeeasy jog
Sat: 1.1k swim and 3.5k
Sun: 10k race and 9k jog

Week total: 85.7k

Saturday, September 23

Consequence of the Yasso 800.

Since the Yasso 800 on Wednesday, I have been suffering from fatigue and leg strain and only able to do short and easy jogs so far, and missed a hill training. Perhaps I will not be able to do 25k for today, either. I felt good right after the session, but it now seems a bit too much for my body.

For a marathon training, everyone says it's more important to fulfill everyday's training menu than doing well at one training. Moreover, I am running 10km race this Sunday and this is far more important than the Wed track workout.

Well, you never know what is the best point to stop when you do hard training, and at least I was lucky that I didn't get any injury from it (at the moment). And I am still happy that I completed the Yasso in the 3 min group.

I think I will swim today, first time after mid July!


水曜日のYasso 800以来、身体から疲労が抜けない。特に脚の筋肉の張りが著しく、一触即発の様相。「非常にヤバイ」と感じたため、木曜、金曜のトレーニングメニューを変更した。木曜はたいしてスピードを上げない1時間ファルトレック、金曜はさらに落として7kmほどの超スロージョグ。予定していたヒルトレーニングはなし。しかし今日になっても疲労感と脚の張りは抜けていない。



問題は、日曜日の10kmレース(Terry Fox Run)だ。実は、こっちの方が大事なポイントだったのだが。。。本日は走らず、水泳でコンディショニングすることにする。今週はマイレージがぐーんと減るけど、ま、仕方ないや。


Wednesday, September 20

Yasso 800.

今日の南蛮トラックワークアウトは、Yasso 800。フルマラソンタイムに合わせて、800mのタイムを設定し、グループごとに走る。フルマラソンが3時間15分の人は、800mを3分15秒で10本。インターバルも3分15分。3時間の人は800mを3分ちょうどで10本。インターバルも3分。


実は私かねがねこのYasso 800というトレーニングに疑いを持っていた。ちょっとラクすぎやしないかと。何しろインターバルタイムが長すぎる。去年3分15秒グループで走っていた時は、スピードもたいして出さなくていいし、たっぷり休めるしで、まあ、楽勝だったのだ。「こんなんで3時間15分切れるってのは、何かの間違いでは?」と思っていた。



1本目 2'58
2本目 2'57
3本目 2'57
4本目 2'57
5本目 2'58
6本目 2'58
7本目 3'01
8本目 3'04
9本目 3'01
10本目 2'59

27.5km (走りすぎ!)

Sunday, September 17

30k with the real hill.

Another 30km long run weekend. After doing a course marshal in Run for Africa charity race, I started my own training. Thanks to Yoshida-san who ran with me for 4 laps, and Rob who happend to run with us for 3 laps, I could keep decent 5min per k pace until 20km. I ran the last 10k part by myself, incorporating the final 7km hilly part of Tokyo Women's real course.

Last year, I struggled so much at the hill so I thought it's a good idea to train at the real course to get ready psychologically. This time I could complete 30k feeling better than the 30k run 2 weeks ago. Didn't have much damage. Good sign?

Mon. Hill training 13.6k
Tue. Easy 7.7k morning and 12k evening
Wed. 1600m x 4 with Namban, 11.9k altogether
Thu. Yostuya hill repeats 18.8k
Fri. 10 x 100m on/off 7.6
Sat. Fartlek 11.6
Sun. Easy long run at the Palace 30k

Week total: 113.2k

午前中はHarriers主催のチャリティレース、Run for Africaでコース誘導のボランティア。午後からはそのまま皇居でロングラン。よしださんが4周ほど一緒に走ってくれたのと、途中でばったり会ったロブも約3周一緒に走ってくれたお陰で、キロ5分ペースを保つことができた。やはり人と走ると違うなあ。



Wednesday, September 13

Training log, at least.

I am moving on to the next training stage. Now I am focusing on intensity, not weekly mileage anymore, but still I am running 100km a week as a consequence of 7 runs in a week. Here is my training log last week.

<4-10 Sep.>
Mon: Hill repeats, 17k altogether
Tue: Easy 14k
Wed: 5k @4:15 pace, failed.... 10.5k altogether
Thu: Hill repeats, 18.8k
Fri: 6 x 100m on/off
Sat: Fartlek 10.6k
Sun: Long and easy 25.5k

Total: 102.7k


Monday, September 4

よれよれ30km & 信じられないトレーニングメニュー。



それにしてもケニア人ランナーって、ホント惚れ惚れするような肢体をしている。走るために生まれたとしか言いようのない肉体。カッコいい! ジェンガ選手はシカゴマラソンに向けてトレーニング中だそう。月1,300kmも走っているそうな。すげー。


5000m × 10 (!!!)




An amazing traing menu.

Saturday, I did 30km long run around the Imperial Palace. OK, I completed the distance, but I got worn out physically and got bored mentally.

Sunday, I attended Yakult running school (*) to report for Runners magazine, and did some track work out. I was told by coach L that it's very dengerous to do a speed work right after a long run, so I joined the slower group and did 4:45/k pace run for 5k. Still it was tough as it was very hot day, but I was happy to be able to meet top runners such as Daniel Ngenga.

*Yakult running team is the one of the top Jitsugyodan team and they won 4th place in New Year Jitsugyodan Ekiden this year, and Kenyan runner Daniel Ngenga belongs to the team. Ngenga beat Takaoka and became 2nd twice at Chicago Marathon (2002 and 2004). He is now training for Chicago Marathon again and runs 1400km per month.

From one of the Yakult elite runners, I heard about an incredible training menu, which is...

5000m × 10 (!!!)

They do 5000m with TT pace, once in an hour, ten times in a day. They say Ngenga runs the last one with 14min. something. I dropped this question to the guy. "What is this training for?"

The guy said "It's mostly for mental aspect. To build the mentality that won't get broken down easily."

Got it. 5000m x 10 means 50km total. I will be broken down at the 2nd or 3rd one for sure.

Saturday, September 2

Summer 2006.

It's been a month since I last updated this blog. When I tried to update, I realized I even didn't remember how to log in. After several trials with possible IDs and PWs, I barely managed to log in.

During this silent August, I worked hard and ran a lot. A 100km bike ride in Okutama, an Ome trail run and no swim at all. So it was like work run work run work run brick training. Pretty hard, but not so exciting....

I hope, really hope this will pay off in this autumn, but I haven't seen its sign yet.

●My future races
Oct. 22 Takashimadaira Road Race (20km)
Oct. 29 Suwako Half Marathon
Nov. 19 Tokyo International Women's Marathon

◎Total mileage in August: 344.6km (missed 5 runs due to work)





10/22 高島平ロードレース(20km)
10/29 諏訪湖ハーフマラソン
11/19 東京国際女子マラソン
