それにしてもケニア人ランナーって、ホント惚れ惚れするような肢体をしている。走るために生まれたとしか言いようのない肉体。カッコいい! ジェンガ選手はシカゴマラソンに向けてトレーニング中だそう。月1,300kmも走っているそうな。すげー。
5000m × 10 (!!!)
An amazing traing menu.
Saturday, I did 30km long run around the Imperial Palace. OK, I completed the distance, but I got worn out physically and got bored mentally.
Sunday, I attended Yakult running school (*) to report for Runners magazine, and did some track work out. I was told by coach L that it's very dengerous to do a speed work right after a long run, so I joined the slower group and did 4:45/k pace run for 5k. Still it was tough as it was very hot day, but I was happy to be able to meet top runners such as Daniel Ngenga.
*Yakult running team is the one of the top Jitsugyodan team and they won 4th place in New Year Jitsugyodan Ekiden this year, and Kenyan runner Daniel Ngenga belongs to the team. Ngenga beat Takaoka and became 2nd twice at Chicago Marathon (2002 and 2004). He is now training for Chicago Marathon again and runs 1400km per month.
From one of the Yakult elite runners, I heard about an incredible training menu, which is...
5000m × 10 (!!!)
They do 5000m with TT pace, once in an hour, ten times in a day. They say Ngenga runs the last one with 14min. something. I dropped this question to the guy. "What is this training for?"
The guy said "It's mostly for mental aspect. To build the mentality that won't get broken down easily."
Got it. 5000m x 10 means 50km total. I will be broken down at the 2nd or 3rd one for sure.