tokyo running days

A marathoner / newbie triathlete's training blog.

Tuesday, July 14

Kamakura Rough Water Swim 5k




とりあえず岸側の足がつくところまで泳いでいき、足をついてストレッチ、マッサージ。棄権するかどうか迷ったものの、とりあえず痙攣がおさまってきたので泳ぎ続けることに。 この時点で時計を見ると既に1時間25分経過。。。まずい。距離はあと半分残っているのに、タイムアウトまであと1時間5分しかない。。。それでもいけるところまで行って、できればアイアンマンの距離3.8km以上は泳ごうと、沖へ泳ぎだす。



とっくに泳ぎ終わっている仲間が出迎えてくれた。私はVサイン。時計を見たら2時間41分も経ってた。タイムオーバーだけど、やっぱり5km泳ぎ切れたのはうれしい。自信になった。 首の後ろとわきの下はウェットスーツの擦れで大きな擦り傷。手首や足首はクラゲに刺された。なんかもう、満身創痍。ひどく日焼けもしてしまった。

5kmは甘くなかったね。でもでも、これで痙攣もこわくなくなった。いや、こわいけど、DNFしなくても乗り切れることがわかった。 泳ぎきった感触としては、スタミナ的には補給なしで問題なし(その後75分のトレイルランも問題なくこなせた)。だが、やはりもっと速く泳がないといけない。今回、8時間でマラソンを走る人たちの気持ちがちょっとだけわかった。


Wednesday, July 1

Murakami Triathlon, the mission completed

Last Sunday, I went out to Murakami for 51.5k triathlon with Ma to overcome Niijima swim DNF, and the mission was happlily completed. Here is the report I posted to Namban (my running club) list.
2:43:51 71st overall, 1st AG
S 35:59 131st
B 1:21:16 77th
R 46:36 51st
This race wasn't on my annual race calendar until I had a traumatic Niijima experience. I decided to do this because I just couldn't leave it without doing anything. Therefore, my mission for this race was to finish and I am happy to be able to do so this time.
The sea was very calm and flat, and thanks to the Kamakura swim with Jay, David and Ma a week ago, I didn't have fear in the water anymore. I started at the very end of crowd to avoid any brutal battle and made sure to myself to start very, very slowly. About 10 minutes after, I found myself feeling comfortable in the sea, and also picking up the pace a little by little. I comleted 1.5k without problem and even had 4 minute PB.
The course was mostly straight and flat, and all you need to cope with was the wind. I regret that I didn't bring Keren's DH bar that I have been keeping for a long time. But after the turn around point, we had fabulous tail wind all the time. I was also lucky to have a woman company all the time. I had to work hard to keep up with her. Without transition, I think my bike time was about 75minutes. (Need to work more on transition!)
The heat was the factor. Also I was afraid of having a cramp in my leg, but thanks to the electrolyte tab Mary gave me, it didn't happen to me this time. And maybe because of IM training these days, 10km run felt quite short for me, but it doesn't necessarily mean I could run faster, unfortunately.
I won my age group (out of only 5 people) and had 5kg of rice. Nice bonus! I like triathlons because of this! :-D

On the final note, thanks to Ma, Motozo, Meg, Adam, David S., Ben, Tony, Vanessa and Tomoko for sharing a good time there.

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