tokyo running days

A marathoner / newbie triathlete's training blog.

Sunday, April 30



午後になって、重い腰を上げて大井埠頭へ行くことにする。せめて週1回ぐらいはバイクにのらないと。午後の大井埠頭は、サイクリストもまばら。ここでひとりでバイク40kmとラン10kmを連続してやってみることにした。バイクの後にランをやったのは初めてだが、なんか変な感じ。バイクで使った筋肉、特に膝から上の筋肉がとても疲労しているのがわかる。なんとも妙な感触なのだ。バイク40kmは約90分、その後のラン10kmは48分ぐらい。昨日の水泳1.5kmのタイムと合わせると、オリンピックディスタンス完走だ。イエイ! 制限時間の4時間では完走できそうなことがわかって嬉しい。そうなると、タイムへの欲も少々出てくるなあ。あと1ヶ月、がんばろーっと。

Run & bike at Ooi Futo.

I slept in due to yesterday's short of sleep and fatigue from hard swim and couldn't go to Yoyogi park. But I wonder who was running there because almost everyone went to run the ekiden in Inagi today.

In the afternoon, I reluctantly left home for Ooi Futo, I need to ride at least once a week. I tried to do 40km bike and 10km run. It was the first time for me to do this kind of bike/run combination workout. It was a bit strange running with tired legs after the bike. 40km bike ride took about 90min and 10km run took around 48min. Combined with yesterday's 1.5km swim, I completed Olympic distance triatholon! Well, it looks that I will be able to finish before 4hours cut-off time. I will do some more of this combination workout before the race. A month to go!

◎Today's distance: 64km bike, 10km run






1.5km non stop swim.

No running, bike and swim on Thursday and Friday due to work.

Saturday, afterwork, I went to Tokyo Taiikukan to swim. I focused on "distance" this time. My last longest dinstance was 1000m at a 25m pool, but when I did it, I felt I could swim more. So I dare to set 1500m for today's goal distance.

First, I felt awkward in the water, but after passing 1000m, I felt more comfortable and completed 1500m without struggling. I timed it this time and it was a bit less than 40min. This brought me some relief to my fear that I might have to pull out at the swimming part at the race.

◎Today's distance: 2.5km swim

Thursday, April 27

5000m TT。

昨日の、織田フィールドでの5000m TT。そこそこがんばって、20分31秒。体重2kg増だしな、よしとしようじゃないか…って自分に甘すぎ?

Yesterday, I ran 5000m TT at Oda field. Tried kind of hard and made mediocre 20:31. Considering the 2kg I gained, I can accept this result. Am I spoiling myself?

1km 4:02
2km 4:05
3km 4:07
4km 4:10
5km 4:07

◎Today's distance: about 10km (jog + TT)

Wednesday, April 26



4/7 金 スイム 1km
4/8 土 バイク 145km 登戸-陣馬-奥多摩-山梨県境-登戸
4/9 日 ラン 17km 代々木公園
4/10 月 スイム(コーチ付き) 1.2km 東京体育館
4/11 火 休み
4/12 水 ラン 織田フィールド 800m×7 (3分10から15秒ペース)
4/13 木 スイム 1.2km (700m一気。最長!)
4/14 金 休み
4/15 土 バイク 100km 荒川
4/16 日 ラン 18km 代々木公園、その後熱を出して寝込む
4/17 月 休み
4/18 火 休み
4/19 水 ラン ジョグ+ペース走で13km、身体が重~い
4/20 木 休み
4/21 金 休み
4/22 土 バイク 85km(fast 70km)、スイム 2km (1000m一気。最長更新!)
4/23 日 東日本ハーフマラソン、全然走れず1:36:02。前日のバイク&スイムで身体が重~い。
4/24 月 スイム(コーチ付) 東京体育館、さまざまなドリルをやり、腕や脚の使い方を教わる。今回も勉強になった。
4/25 火 休み


一方で、スイムとバイクは超楽しい!スイムはまだまだビギナーだけど、水の中がどんどん快適になっていくのがわかる。りえこに頼んで、オルカのウェットスーツも購入した。楽しみー。バイクはもう、やみつき。ランニングにはない“スピード感”が最高。しかし、アイアンガイズ、Keren、 Jay、 Stuについていくのはホント大変。それでも、迷惑だろーとなんだろーと、胸を借りるつもりでついていくのだ。


It's been long.

...since the last time I updated. At least I would like to log my training situation.

4/7 fri Swim 1km by myself
4/8 sat Bike 145km Noborito-Jimba-Okutama-Yamanashi boader-back to Noborito
4/9 sun Run 17km at Yoyogi park
4/10 mon Swim session at Tokyo Taiikukan swimming pool, coached by Greg
4/11 tue No training due to work
4/12 wed Run 800 x 7 (3'10-15 pace) at Oda field
4/13 thu Swim 1.2km (700m non stop, longest ever!)
4/14 fri No training due to work
4/15 sat Bike 100km at Arakawa
4/16 sun Run 18km at Yoyogi park, then afternoon got fever...
4/17 mon No training due to a cold
4/18 tue No training
4/19 wed Run 13km, 6.5km jog and 6.5km pace run around Kaigakan, felt heavy.
4/20 thu No training due to work
4/21 fri No training due to work
4/22 sat Bike fast 70km + 15km to/at Arakawa and Swim 2km (1000m non stop, extended the distance!)
4/23 sun Run "East Japan 1/2 Marathon". Time was disappointing 1:36:02. Legs very heavy from Saturday's ride.
4/24 mon Swim session at Tokyo Taiikukan. 1.2km altoghether.
4/25 tue No training

The log looks more like triathlete's, but overall training quantity definitely got down less than a half of my marathon training period and the fact that I am gaining weight is a clear proof. It's so easy to indulge in laziness. (but I like it...)

Since over 100km bike ride doesn't help enhance running capability, I am getting slower and slower as a runner. It's true that run helps bike but bike doesn't help run.

On the other hand, I really enjoy swimming and bike rides. It's always good to be a beginner once because you have a big margin for improvement. For me, it's swimming now. Everytime I take a lesson, I learn something and feel I am improved. As for bike ride, I really like the "speed", which you never be able to experience from running. It's soooooooooooo thrilling! I love it. It's always pretty hard to keep up with these Iron guys Keren, Jay and Stu, but nevertheless I will try. OK I will confess that I can only do 70 to 80% of distance and speed that they do...

Now I have to leave for 5000m TT in Oda Field with the lowest motivation...will see.

Thursday, April 6



Wednesday track workout. I still had a terrible sore on my both thighs and calves from Ome trail race, but decided to run 1000m x 6. I got so tired and had difficulty breathing at 5th and 6th ones. Need to reinforce heart-lung function.

1. 4:00
2. 3:57
3. 3:50
4. 3:53
5. 4:07
6. 3:56

◎Distance: approx.11km

Tuesday, April 4

My first swimming lesson.

Monday evening, I joined the swim squad that Keren and Stuart organize at Tokyo Taiikukan swimming pool. I was nervous at first because I know nothing about swimming and everyone else was quite advanced swimmers. I told the coach Greg that I can't swim in the fast lane like others and he decided to give me lessons separately in the slow lane.

He told me how to use arm efficiently to capture water with some simple tips and they helped amazingly. As I continued the drills, I felt more and more comfortable in the water. To be honest, I was doubting if I could swim in the 50m pool without drowning. I don't think I can join others in the fast lane, but still, it was an amazing improvement for me in just one hour.

I will try to swim one more day in a week to do the drill.

◎Today's effort: 1200m swim

Monday, April 3

