tokyo running days

A marathoner / newbie triathlete's training blog.

Monday, March 17

名古屋国際女子マラソン、大撃沈。Nagoya, bad race again.

先週、Qちゃんと一緒に走ってきました、名古屋国際女子マラソン。結果は3時間17分35秒。大大大撃沈。 最初の5kmは、関門を意識してとにかく突っ込み20:57。そこから5kmごとにきれいな放物線を描いてペースが落ちて行った。

Last weekend, I ran Nagoya International Women's Marathon with Q-chan. The result was 3h 17m 35s. To make the cut-off point at 18.4km (please refer to my report 2 years ago), I started with 20:57 for the first 5km, and from there, my pace described beautiful parabola downwards.

5km 20:57
10km 21:12
15km 21:35
20km 22:15
half 1:31:06
25km 23:34
30km 23:55
35km 25:14
40km 27:31
42.2km 11:22

I ran Tokyo Marathon 3 weeks before this race and PBed. In my original plan, Tokyo was a training run and this Nagoya was to be the target race for me. Although there are only 3 weeks between two races, theoretically it should be possible to do, but reality was different.

Even though I placed Tokyo Marathon as a long run before Nagoya, it was different from usual 8 laps of the Imperial Palace. You cannot ignore the festive race atmosphere and you want to do better there. So I had an unexpected good result at Tokyo, which was good and I was so lucky from present perspective, but the problem was, I didn't know what to do between this PB training run and my real race.

東京マラソン後、体感的には特にダメージは感じていなかったのだが、そうは言ってもマラソン後。負荷をかけすぎて肉離れなどを起こすリスクは極力避けたかった。 最初の1週間はリカバリーに徹してほぼジョグだけとし、次の1週間では、週3回、名古屋の前半のハイペースに対応してキロ4分15秒ペース走を入れることにした。ところが、このペース走が走れないのだ。最初の5kmはそこそこラクにこなせるのだが、6km、7kmと走るうちに、脚の筋肉の疲労が顕著に。そのうちにフォームが崩れ、息も荒くなってペースが落ちてしまう。筋肉の奥のほうにある見えないダメージが浮き出てくる感じなのだ。結局ターゲットペースで10kmをこなせないまま、本番に。
Although I didn't feel any apparent damage from the marathon, I concentrated on recovery and did just light jogs for a week after Tokyo. In the second week, I tried target pace (4:15) runs a couple of times, then I started to realise what the damage after a PB marathon was like. I felt perfectly OK at the first 5km, but then from 6k, 7k, and after, the fatigue in deep muscle of my legs start to come up and I couldn't keep the pace anymore. Until the race day, I wasn't able to make any pace run with the target pace.

レース当日も同じだった。最初の10kmぐらいまでは、ハイペースでもラクな感じで走れていたのだが、その後はどんどん身体が動かなくなってくる。「はやく関門を通過して4分半ペースに落としたい」と思いながら走っていたのだが、関門前にすでにペースは4分35秒に落ちていた(笑)。 「あ、こりゃだめだわ」と思ってからは、ひたすらつらかった。集中力も途切れがちになるし、色んなところが痛くなってくるし、内臓も重くなってくるし。
It was the same at the race day. Despite the fast pace, I felt easy at the first 10km, but after that, I just couldn't help slowing down. Around 15km point, I was so looking forward to slowing down to 4:30/k pace after the 18.4k check point, but before that my pace already went down to 4:35/k! From the point I thought "Oh no, it's not my day", it was just a hard and long day. When my concentration ran out, I started to pick up all the pain that you don't feel when you have a good race. Thirst, aching limbs, blisters, heat, heavy stomach...

At 18.4km check point, I thought "If I keep this pace, I may be able to make a PB, even though it's slower than my target time."

At the halfway point, "I may still be able to break 3:10."

At 30km, "I wish I can at least break 3:15."

After 35km, "No sweep car! Please please let me finish!"

Thank God! I finised! I received the nice finishers' towel and took a while, then looked back to the finish line, the last finisher was about to cross the line.

Marathon God didn't treat me twice in a row. That's normal. Now I am even more than glad to have made a PB at Tokyo. It's all for the best.

Actually I have one more marathon in April. BOSTON. Looking forward to jogging there. (and meeting Pete!!!)


At March 17, 2008, Blogger Stephen Lacey said...

Mika, so sorry that the race did not go according to expectations. You had every right to be confident of a great result going into this. But it seems the "effortless" Tokyo PB was not quite so effortless after all. It shows that no matter how many marathons we run, there is always something new to learn.

Thank you also for your kind words on my blog.

At March 17, 2008, Blogger mika t. said...

Steve, thanks. Exactly!!! You cannot underestimate the pay-off of your PB marathon. But as you also said, I somehow enjoyed this new experience.

At March 17, 2008, Blogger Christian said...


and still somehow congratulations, even though you couldn't run the way and pace you wanted to...

have a rest, take Boston as a fun race and then go for it again!

see you soon


(by the way: your story sounds very familiar to me; I'm currently training for my target race and I feel the fatigue you describe as well. I can keep the pace for 15-20k or so but then, it drops drastically. Running a full Marathon takes a lot of energy!)

At March 17, 2008, Blogger mika t. said...


Thanks for your comment, Christian. Yes, I am going to enjoy Boston. However, I don't quite understand what does enjoyable marathon mean. If you make a PB, it's so exciting and fun, but to make a PB, you sometimes have to struggle during the race. Then is running slow the way to enjoy a marathon? I don't know. Maybe I ran too many serious marathons....

At March 18, 2008, Blogger Brett Larner said...


At April 10, 2008, Blogger Ewen said...

You could make Boston enjoyable by running the mirror image of that beautiful parabola ;)

Have fun!


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